Meet Our Team
Dr Katherine Penrose
Dr Penrose is a Perth Gynaecologist offering private gynaecological services at St John of God Hospital Murdoch and Hollywood Private Hospital. Dr Penrose has practiced Medicine for 20 years, working in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Australia and overseas. She completed her medical degree through the University of Western Australia, working locally before travelling to the Republic of Ireland.
Dr Penrose undertook her specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Western Australia. During this time she received the inaugral Camille Michener Award for Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar of the year in 'recognition of academic excellence and commitment to education and training'.
In her advanced training years Dr Penrose worked as the Chief Senior Registrar at King Edward Memorial Hospital, and completed a Fellowship year in Urogynaecology. She has presented at national and international conferences and published in the International Urogynaecology Journal. Please note she is not a UroGynaecologist.
Her special interests include surgery for prolapse, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery, colposcopy and management of menstrual disorders.
Dr Penrose holds a Consultant position at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) and is actively involved in medical student teaching. She has completed postgraduate studies in Health Professional Education at the University of Western Australia and is the inaugural Clinical Dean for Curtin Medical School at KEMH.

Dr Louise Hobson
Dr Louise Hobson is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist based in Perth. She operates at St John of God Hospital Murdoch and Hollywood Hospital, offering private gynaecological services. She is also a Consultant at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Subiaco where she provides public obstetric and gynaecological care and has previously acted as the Head of Department .
Dr Hobson received her Medical degree from the University of Western Australia and has been practising medicine for more than fifteen years and working in her current field since 2007. She worked at Fremantle Hospital before training at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. After obtaining her Fellowship, she moved to Geraldton and worked as a specialist in both the public and private hospitals before returning to Perth in July 2018.
Dr Hobson is an advocate for women’s health who has been involved in training and examining junior doctors, medical students and midwives. She enjoys improving women’s lives by treating issues such as heavy or irregular periods, abnormal pap smears, prolapse, pain and incontinence.
Dr Jennifer Beale
Paediatric, Adolescent and Adult Gynaecologist
Dr Jennifer Beale is a Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecologist based in Perth. She operates at SJOG Murdoch and South Perth Hospitals, where she offers private Gynaecological services. She holds Consultant positions at Perth Children's Hospital and King Edward Memorial Hospital, where she provides public care to women and children at all stages of their life.
Dr Beale completed her primary medical degree at the University of Western Australia and has been practicing medicine for over 15 years. She started her specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Perth, moving to the UK to undertake further sub specialist training in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology at the University College London Hospital under Professor Sarah Creighton.
Dr Beale is heavily involved in training the next generation of specialists, being the current Chair of the RANZCOG WA Training and Assessment Committee. She frequently presents at O&G conferences and GP education days in her areas of special interest.

Dr Sophie Anderson
Dr Sophie Anderson is a Specialist Anaesthetist from Strive Anaesthesia who regularly anaesthetises for Dr Penrose.
Dr Anderson is a medical graduate and University Blue (softball) recipient of the University of New South Wales, and achieved fellowship to the Australia New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2013. Before finalising her anaesthetic training with a Regional Fellowship at Musgrove Park Hospital (Somerset, UK), she undertook anaesthesia training across the Hunter New England and Tasmanian Health Services, and was awarded the ASA Registrar prize for her final project, An Audit of Pain Management and Patient Satisfaction in Day Surgery Patients.
Since achieving fellowship, Dr Anderson has completed post graduate studies in Perioperative Medicine at Monash University, and completed a fellowship in Anaesthesia for Obstetrics and Gynae-oncology at King Edward Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the anaesthetic department when Fiona Stanley Hospital opened in 2015, working as the clinical lead for Perioperative medicine and anaesthetic preassessment clinic.
Currently Dr Anderson is accredited as a Specialist Anaesthetist at the majority of metropolitan private hospitals in Perth, and continues to actively involve herself in the ANZCA professional development requirements.